O-197 Gap Test And Critical Diameter Calculations And Correlations

October 2018
Dr. Ernest L. Baker, Vincent Pouliquen, Maxime Voisin, Dr. Matthew Andrews
The Munitions Safety Information and Analysis Center (MSIAC) has developed a number of safety related computational tools, including NEWGATES (New Excel Worksheets on GAp TESts) [1] which is a large data base and computational tool for gap test data. NEWGATES currently contains information about 10 gap tests (dimensions, scope, principles); pressure calibration curves; time calibration curves; shock curvature calibration curves; 1455 gap test results; and over 250 Hugoniots. In order to reduce the cost, time and risks involved in the conception of an explosive researchers have often tried to determine ways to predict the sensitivity properties of an explosive. We have conducted studies investigating laboratory test characteristics correlations [2], including the NEWGATES gap test data. The explosive characteristics investigated included the Held criterion, the weight percentage of RDX, the composition density, the composition, the Gurney energy, the Rotter impact test and the detonation state properties. 

Contact us for more information

Christopher Hollands
Energetic Materials TSO
United Kingdom
+32 2 707 56 30
Dr Ernie Baker
Warhead Technology TSO
United States
+32 2 707 3844