O-182 Ballistics Trajectory and Impact Analysis for Fragment Impact Testing Insensitive Munitons and Hazard Classification Project Criteria

August 2017
Dr Ernest L. Baker, Martijn van der Voort

Ballistics trajectory and impact conditions calculations were conducted in order to investigate the origin of the projection criteria for Insensitive Munitions (IM) and Hazard Classification (HC). The results show that the existing IM and HC projection criteria distance-mass relations are based on launch energy rather than impact conditions.  The analysis shows that at the maximum throw distances, the impact energy is generally much smaller than the launch energy. Using maximum distance projections, new distance-mass relations were developed that match the criteria based on impact energy at 15m and beyond rather than launch energy. Injury analysis was conducted using penetration injury and blunt injury models.  Blunt injury dominates the assessment of injury or lethality. State of the art blunt injury models predict only minor injury for a 20J impact. For a 79J blunt impact, major injury is likely to occur.

Contact us for more information

Dr Ernie Baker
Warhead Technology TSO
United States
+32 2 707 3844
Martijn van der Voort
Munitions Transport and Storage Safety TSO
+32 2 707 5426