L-228 History of Natural Fragmentation Models

September 2018
Christelle Collet, Dr Ernest Baker, Martijn van der Voort
When dealing with the performance of munitions and warheads, the most important parameters to characterize are the mass distribution of fragments and their velocity. In the design process of new munitions, the prediction of these parameters plays a significant role to optimize the effects and the overall lethality of the munition. Also for safety purposes, knowledge about fragmentation is essential.
In this context, analytical models for fragmentation have been developed and used since the late 1940’s. The best known ones are those proposed by Mott, for the mass distribution of fragments, Gurney, for the initial fragment velocity at break-up and Taylor, for the metal projection angle. A review recently done by MSIAC revealed other analytical models available to predict the above mentioned parameters that could be of interest for specific configurations such as warheads with L/D ratios close to 1. The use of these models and their respective limitations are discussed in a first section.
In the second section, the evolution trend from analytical models towards numerical methodologies is discussed. Some recent strategies have been considered very promising for the performance prediction of future warheads.

Contact us for more information

Dr Ernie Baker
Warhead Technology TSO
United States
+32 2 707 3844
Christelle Collet
Propulsion Technology TSO
+32 2 707 54 47
Martijn van der Voort
Munitions Transport and Storage Safety TSO
+32 2 707 5426